| | | | | | | | | MINUTES
September 27, 2022
Regular Meeting | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | A regular meeting of the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas was held in the Brazos County Commissioners Courtroom in the Administration Building, 200 South Texas Avenue, in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 with the following members of the Court present: Duane Peters, County Judge, Presiding; Steve Aldrich, Commissioner of Precinct 1, Absent; Russ Ford, Commissioner of Precinct 2, Absent; Nancy Berry, Commissioner of Precinct 3; Irma Cauley, Commissioner of Precinct 4; Karen McQueen, County Clerk. The attached sheets contain the names of the citizens and officials that were in attendance. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Sig Page, Agenda, Sign In Sheets |
| | | | | | | | | 1. | Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | U.S. and Texas Flag – Commissioner Aldrich | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | The prayer and pledge were led by Judge Peters in Commissioner Aldrich's absence. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 2. | Call for Citizen input and/or concerns | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Ronnie Vitulli expressed concerns over Proposition B and American Rescue Plan Act funding allocations. Mr. Vitulli stated that he believes the Court has not prioritized the County's needs appropriately. He specified that funding should be put toward road enhancements, broadband and clean water needs in the community. Roy Flores shared his disappointment in what he views as the Court showing a lack of professionalism to the Texas A&M University students that have protested the removal of the Memorial Student Center (MSC) as an early voting location for the November 2022 Election. Roger Stout stated that he does not believe the Court is acting in the best interest of the citizens in regards to the Proposed Tax Rate of 0.4835. Mr. Stout commented on an additional $7 million dollars of unallocated revenue that would be brought in, calling it a "slush fund". Patrick Giamalva expressed his appreciation to the Court for using ARPA funding to renovate the former Bryan ISD building. Ishika Shah, a Texas A&M University student shared her disappointment in the Court for having not reinstated the MSC as an early voting location for the November 2022 Election. Ms. Shah stated that she feels it is perfectly legal and that the Court has not taken into consideration the amount of time and effort the students have put into protesting the issue.
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| | | | | | | | | 3. | Presentations and/or Discussions | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
- Presentation of the 2020 Collections Program of the Year Award with the Governmental Collectors Association of Texas to the Brazos County Collections Department to Tanya Skinner and staff.
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| | | | | | | | | | Judge Peters announced that the Brazos County Collections Department was awarded Collections Program of the Year by the Governmental Collectors Association of Texas. He stated that Collections Director Tanya Skinner and her staff go above and beyond. Ms. Skinner explained that by implementing workable payment plans, her department managed to collect the most of any County during the COVID-19 pandemic. Judge then presented the award to Ms. Skinner and her staff members in attendance. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Consider and take action on agenda items: 4 - 30 | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 4. | Discussion and approval of a tax rate up to $0.4735 for tax year 2022. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | At this point the County Judge announced that the Court would skip to agenda item 12 before returning to the discussion and approval of a tax rate. No action was taken due to a lack of a quorum of four Court members.
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| | | | | | | | | 5. | Discussion and possible action on restoring the Memorial Student Center (MSC) as an early polling location for the 2022 election. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Judge Peters explained that this item regarding reinstatement of the Memorial Student Center (MSC) as an early polling location in the November 2022 Election was initially requested by to placed on the agenda by Commissioner Aldrich, who was absent from the meeting. He stated that while there are differing opinions amongst the Court members on this issue, he does not feel it is prudent to discuss the it and would entertain a motion to remove the item from the agenda. Commissioner Berry asked for commentary from the City Secretaries in attendance before taking any action. College Station City Secretary Tanya Smith stated that she believes it is too close to early voting dates and it would require Elections staff to rush to make the change, which was not in the best interest of the integrity of the election. She requested that the Court wait to make the change until 2023. Bryan City Secretary Mary Lynn Stratta reiterated Ms. Smith's sentiments. She concurred that it is too late to make the change for the upcoming election however, Ms. Stratta stated that she is in favor of reinstating the MSC as an early voting location next year. Commissioner Cauley and Commissioner Berry both expressed their desire to reinstate the MSC as an early voting location in 2023. Commissioner Cauley made a motion to take no action on today's item, and was seconded by Commissioner Berry. The Court voted unanimously to take no action.
Motion: , Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. . 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 6. | Resolution 22-021 levying a tax rate for Brazos County for Tax Year 2022. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | No action was taken due to a lack of a quorum of four Court members. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7. | Ratification of the property tax increase due to the adoption of the budget that will require more revenue from property taxes than in the previous year. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | No action was taken due to a lack of a quorum of four Court members. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8. | Consider and approve the allocation of American Rescue Plan Act funding for one or more of the following project requests totaling up to $42,558,941:
- a. Medical Examiner's Office - $25,000,000
- b. Feasibility Study - Brazos County Administration Building Sanctuary Remodel - $100,000
- c. Community Recreation Center - Multi Purpose Facility – $2,000,000
- d. HVAC / Air Purification Systems for Jail, Juvenile Detention Center, Health Dept., and/or other mass congregant sites in County Buildings – $1,500,000
- e. Elder Care / R U OK? Call program - $50,000
- f. Feasibility Study - BISD Building Remodel - $150,000
- g. Feasibility Study - Brazos County Administration Building North Wing Renovation - $100,000
- h. Brazos Valley Community Action Programs (Meals on Wheels) - $500,000
- i. Unlimited Potential - $2,000,000
- j. Friends for Life - $16,200
- k. Scotty's House - $25,000
- l. Housing Assistance Programs (Area Agency on Aging of the Brazos Valley) - $250,000
- m. Brazos County Administration Building North Wing Renovation - $1,500,000
- n. Bryan ISD Building Renovation - $9,367,741
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| | | | | | | | | | Judge Peters suggested tabling the allocation of ARPA funds until after the ARPA Workshop on October 28, 2022. Commissioner Cauley agreed that tabling was the best option and made a motion to do so. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion and the Court voted unanimously to table the item until after the ARPA Workshop and place it on the October 11, 2022 agenda.
Motion: Table, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 9. | Consider and approve removing one or more of the submitted American Rescue Plan Act project requests from the list of ARPA projects to be funded as follows:
- 1. Emergency Operations/ 9-1-1 Center
- 2. Broadband Accessibility/ Expansion to entire county
- 3. Brazos County Emergency Service District #1
- 4. Elmo Weedon Phase 2 with bridge
- 5. Elmo Weedon Phase 2 without bridge
- 6. Fawn Meadows HOA
- 7. 361st Court remodel
- 8. Brazos Valley Food Bank
- 9. Greenleaf Lane Culvert Crossing Replacement
- 10. Harpers Ferry Road (Arrington to Nantucket Dr.)
- 11. Harris Lane at Mathis Creek Bridge Repair
- 12. I&GN Road Wellborn Water Waterline Replacement & Realignment
- 13. I&GN Stousland Straub (Green Prairie Trail to Saddle Creek)
- 14. Brazos WiFi Heritage Lakes - KOR School Extension
- 15. Brazos WiFi Kurten Bank - Still Creek School
- 16. Mental Health Facility
- 17. Old Reliance (Andert to Cemetery to Morgan)
- 18. Old Reliance (Carrabba to Andert)
- 19. Old Reliance (City Limits to Wallis Winery)
- 20. Old Reliance (Morgan to FM 2038)
- 21. Road & Bridge Department Building Expansion (Hwy 21)
- 22. Brazos County Administration Building Sanctuary Remodel
- 23. Saxon Road at Bowman Creek Bridge Repair
- 24. Sidewalk Construction - Sandy Point Apartments
- 25. Smetana Road (Railroad tracks to end of road)
- 26. St. Joseph Health System/Baylor Scott & White
- 27. Weedon Loop at Wickson Creek Bridge Repair
- 28. Wickson Creek SUD
- 29. Wilcox Lane Bridge at Little Wickson Creek Repair
- 30. Wilcox Lane Bridge at Wickson Creek Repair
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| | | | | | | | | | The Court voted unanimously to table to item on a motion made by Commissioner Cauley and seconded by Commissioner Berry. This item will be placed on the October 11, 2022 agenda.
Motion: Table, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10. | Order No. 22-030 directing the Payroll Fund to the General Fund for 2023. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | A copy of the Order is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Nancy Berry, Seconded by Commissioner Irma Cauley. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11. | Order 22-031 adopting the Tax Rate of 5.31 percent for the Local Provider Participation Fund for fiscal year 2023, approving payment for administration costs to Brazos County and designating PNC Bank as the LPPF depository. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | A copy of the Order is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Nancy Berry, Seconded by Commissioner Irma Cauley. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12. | Proclamation 22-016 designating October 2-8, 2022 as National 4-H Week in Brazos County. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | The County Judge read aloud Proclamation 22-016 designating the week of October 2 through 8, 2022 as "National 4-H Week" in Texas. The Court commends the 4-H Youth Development Program of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the many men and women who have made the program a success. Officers of the 4-H County Council introduced themselves to the Court. The County Judge then presented the proclamation to the 4-H members. A copy of the proclamation is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 13. | Approval of the proposed county holidays for the 2023 calendar year. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | The Court approved as submitted the following holidays for 2023: Monday, January 2, 2023 - New Year's Day Monday, January 16, 2023 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Friday, April 7, 2023 - Good Friday Monday, May 29, 2023 - Memorial Day Monday, June 19, 2023 - Juneteenth Tuesday, July 4, 2023 - Independence Day Monday, September 4, 2023 - Labor Day Thursday & Friday, November 23 & 24, 2023 - Thanksgiving Friday, Monday & Tuesday, December 22, 25 & 26, 2023 - Christmas
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Nancy Berry, Seconded by Commissioner Irma Cauley. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 14. | Approval of reappointments of the following to the Brazos County Child Welfare Board. Term of appointment is September 30, 2022 - September 30, 2025.
- a. James Henry
- b. Tommy Myrick
- c. Jackie Perez
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Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 15. | Approval of the following Job Descriptions:
- Admin Secretary - Probate Guardian (County Court at Law 1 & 2) 2080 hours (Position Code B2210)
- Administrative Assistant (Facilities Services) 2080 hours (Position Code B0721)
- Administrative Secretary (Constable Pct. 1) 2080 hours (Position Code B1619)
- Administrative Secretary (Constable Pct. 2) 2080 hours (Position Code B1605)
- Administrative Secretary (Constable Pct. 3) 2080 hours (Position Code 1606)
- Administrative Secretary (Constable Pct. 4) 2080 hours (Position Code B1608)
- Assistant County Auditor (County Auditor) 2080 hours (Position Code B0320)
- Assistant District Attorney I (District Attorney) 2080 hours (Position Code B0415)
- Budget Officer (Budget Office) 2080 hours (Position Code B0212)
- Building Event Worker (Brazos Center) 1040 hours (Position Code B0815)
- Chief Deputy (Constable Pct. 3) 2080 hours (Position Code B1601)
- Chief Deputy (Constable Pct. 4) 2080 hours (Position Code B1609)
- Chief Deputy -Jail (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1501)
- Chief Deputy Sheriff (Sheriff Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1403)
- Clerk - Temp (District Clerk Records Management Fund) 1040 hours (Position Code B1715)
- Clerk (County Attorney) 1560 hours (Position Code B0555)
- Clerk I (Sheriff Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1435)
- Clerk II (Sheriff Administration 2080 hours (Position Code B1445)
- Clerk II (Justice of the Peace Pct 1) 2080 hours (Position Code B0630)
- Clerk III ( Exposition Complex) 2080 hours (Position Code B0848)
- Clerk III (Sheriff Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1443)
- Court Reporter (Associate Judge #2) 2080 hours (Position Code B2207)
- Courthouse Security Sergeant (Courthouse Security Fund) 2080 hours (Position Code B1450)
- Crisis Intervention Deputy (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1570)
- Crisis Intervention Sergeant (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1571)
- Deputy (Constable Pct. 3) 2080 hours (Position Code B1610)
- Deputy (Constable Pct. 4) 2080 hours (Position Code B1620)
- Deputy (Sheriff Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1415)
- Detention Officer - Booking (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1515)
- Detention Officer - Compliance Officer (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1501)
- Detention Officer - Custodian of Records (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1542)
- Detention Officer - Transport Deputy (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1512)
- Detention Officer - Work Crew (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1513)
- Detention Sergeant (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1505)
- Emergency Management Planner (Emergency Management) 2080 hours (Position Code B1906)
- Event Coordinator II ( Hotel Occupancy Tax) 2080 hours (Position Code B0853)
- Grant Writer (County Auditor) 2080 hours (Position Code B0325)
- Legal Secretary (County Attorney) 2080 hours (Position Code B0543)
- Lieutenant (Sheriff Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1414)
- Lieutenant (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1503)
- Marketing & Sales Manager (Hotel Occupancy Tax) 2080 hours (Position Code B0851)
- Painter (Facilities Services) 2080 hours (Position Code B0731)
- Probate & Guardianship Attorney (County Court at Law 1 & 2) 1040 hours (Position Code B0920)
- Program Assistant - 4-H and Youth (County Agriculture Extension) 2080 hours (Position Code B7130)
- Program Re-Entry Coordinator (Sheriff's Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1563)
- Program Sergeant (Sheriff Office - Jail Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1556)
- School Resource Sergeant (Sheriff Office - CSISD School Security) 2080 hours (Position Code B1480)
- Senior Audio Video Specialist (Information Technology) 2080 hours (Position Code B1236)
- Senior Services Manager (Information Technology) 2080 hours (Position Code B1248)
- Senior Trainer (Information Technology) 2080 hours (Class Code B1222)
- Sergeant (Sheriff Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B1424)
- Sergeant Jail Nurse (Jail Medical Services) 2080 hours (Position Code B1507)
- Services Manager (Information Technology) 2080 hours (Position Code B1242)
- Sign Installer (Road and Bridge) 2080 hours (Position Code B2623)
- Structured Cabling Technician (Information Technology) 2080 hours (Position Code B1234)
- Traffic Sign Specialist (Road and Bridge) 2080 hours (Position Code B2621)
- Warehouse Manager (Elections Administrator) 2080 hours (Position Code B0175)
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| | | | | | | | | | A copy of the job descriptions is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Nancy Berry, Seconded by Commissioner Irma Cauley. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 16. | Acceptance of donated or unclaimed property left by inmates leaving the Brazos County Detention Center for the months of: March, April, May, June and July 2022. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | A copy of the donation forms is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 17. | Approval requested from the District Attorney's Office for acceptance of the Amendment to the Texas Council on Family Violence Vendor Agreement. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | A copy of the amended agreement is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18. | Approval of the following Community Support Contracts for FY 2023:
- a. Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Brazos Valley
- b. Boys and Girls Club Brazos Valley
- c. Brazos County Emergency Communications District (9-1-1)
- d. Brazos Valley Economic Development Corporation
- e. Brazos Valley Food Bank, Inc.
- f. District Two Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.
- g. National Alliance on Mental Illness - Brazos Valley, Inc.
- h. Never Forget Garden Veterans Memorial
- i. Scotty's House Child Advocacy Center
- j. South Brazos County Fire Department, Inc.
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| | | | | | | | | | A copy of the Community Support Contracts is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Nancy Berry, Seconded by Commissioner Irma Cauley. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 19. | Approval of acceptance of possible future funds through the Regional Mitigation Program - BVCOG MOD Funding. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | A copy is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Nancy Berry, Seconded by Commissioner Irma Cauley. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20. | Request authorization to wire transfer up to $5,502,892.39 to HHSC for the Uncompensated Care Program Demonstration Year 11 - Final Payment for the benefit of participating hospitals using funding from the Brazos County Local Provider Participation Fund. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Commissioner Cauley commented that these funds are used to pay for indigent healthcare within Brazos County. Judge Peters added that this program allows for funds to multiply as they are passed up to the state and federal level, generating a huge benefit to the local hospitals.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 21. | Award of RFP #CIP 23-008 Collection of Delinquent Criminal & Civil Court Costs, Fines, & Fees. Recommended Award: McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen P.C. Attorneys at Law. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | The Court voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent and awarded RFP #CIP 23-008 Collection of Delinquent Criminal & Civil Court Costs, Fines, & Fees to McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen P.C. Attorneys at Law. A copy of the contract and bid tabulation is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Nancy Berry, Seconded by Commissioner Irma Cauley. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 22. | Award of RFP #23-015 Sex Offender Treatment Provider. Recommended Award: Agustin Gutierrez, Jr. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | The Court voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent and awarded RFP #23-015 Sex Offender Treatment Provider to Agustin Gutierrez, Jr. A copy of the contract is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23. | Permission to advertise Bid #23-025 Seal Coat. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Nancy Berry, Seconded by Commissioner Irma Cauley. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 24. | Approval of Contract #23-060 with PowerDMS, Inc for Talent Management Software. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | A copy of the service contract is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25. | Approval of the Final Plat of 7-11 Ranch Phase 1 Block 1 Lot 5R-1R; 5.340 Acres; T. H. Mays Survey, A-160; Brazos County, Texas. Site is located in Precinct 1. | | | |
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Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 26. | Approval of expenditure journal entry for Brazos County FY21-22 June - August 2022 cash contribution of $50,104.64 to CSCD Specialty Court program. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | A copy is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 27. | Tax Refund Applications for the following: | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Overpayments
- a. David Whitt - $31.31
- b. Robertson County Title - $4,244.78
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| | | | | | | | | |
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Nancy Berry, Seconded by Commissioner Irma Cauley. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
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- FY 21/22 Budget Amendments 49.01 - 49.06
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| | | | | | | | | | 49.01 Reallocate funds for Brazos Center. 49.02 Reallocate funds for Information Technology. 49.03 Reallocate funds for Risk Management. 49.04 Transfer Contingency funds to Constable, Precinct 3. 49.05 Transfer Contingency funds to Constable, Precinct 2. 49.06 Transfer Contingency funds to Court Support.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 29. | Personnel Change of Status. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
- a. Employment and Separations
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| | | | | | | | | |
- b. Personnel Action Forms
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| | | | | | | | | | A copy of the Personnel Change of Status requests is attached.
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | 8117790 - 8117978 9005850 - 9005911
Motion: Approve, Moved by Commissioner Irma Cauley, Seconded by Commissioner Nancy Berry. Passed. 3-0. Ayes: Berry, Cauley, Peters. Absent: Aldrich, Ford. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 31. | Acknowledgement of FY 2021-2022 Budget to Actuals by Fund as of September 21, 2022. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | The Court acknowledged receipt of the 2021-2022 Budget to Actuals by Fund as of September 21, 2022. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 32. | Acknowledgement of monthly reports submitted in September 2022. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | The Court acknowledged receipt of the Extension Service reports submitted in September 2022 and acknowledged receipt of reports from the following County and Precinct Offices showing revenues collected and remitted to the County Treasurer: County Clerk Constable Precinct 2 Veterans Services | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 33. | Juvenile director’s report on detention population. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Assistant Juvenile Director Melissa White reported there are 47 juveniles in the detention center, 37 are male and 10 are female, and 20 have electronic monitors. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 34. | Sheriff’s report on inmate population. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Sheriff Wayne Dicky stated there were 665 inmates in jail, 564 inmates are male and 101 are female, 59 have electronic monitors and 8 are pending for processing. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 35. | Announcement of interest items and possible future agenda topics. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Commissioner Berry encouraged Brazos County employees to attend the Active Shooter Training at the Expo Center today at 1:00 p.m. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | The regular meeting for Commissioners Court on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 has been cancelled due to a lack of quorum. Members of the Court will be attending a conference. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Budget Analyst Nina Payne informed County staff members of a new process for requesting budget amendments and adjustments. Instructions will be sent out later this week. | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 36. | Call for Citizen input and/or concerns | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Mike Southerland expressed his opinion that there is plenty of room in the budget to lower the FY2023 Tax Rate. Mr. Southerland also spoke in favor of reinstating the Memorial Student Center (MSC) as an early voting location in the November 2022 Election. Dan Kiniry, Executive Director of Tiny Hope Village informed the Court of his Non-Profit Organization's mission to end homelessness in Brazos County. Mr. Kiniry stated that it is the duty of the County to work toward ending homelessness. Sabrina Wren stated that she is very disappointed that the MSC will not be reinstated for the November 2022 election. Ms. Wren added that the Court had plenty of time to make the change and she feels it did not take the concerns of the students seriously.
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