THE COMMISSIONERS COURT OF BRAZOS COUNTY WILL MEET IN REGULAR  SESSION ON October 18, 2022 AT 10:00 AM IN THE Commissioner's Courtroom of the County Administration Building, 200 South Texas Ave., Suite 106, Bryan, TX 77803
This meeting will be conducted by video conference with at least a quorum of commissioners court members participating in person at the county administration building in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 551.127 of the Texas Government Code. THE PUBLIC MAY WATCH THE MEETING LIVE AT FACEBOOK.COM/BRAZOSCOUNTYTX

1.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
  • U.S. and Texas Flag – Commissioner Cauley
2.Call for Citizen input and/or concerns
3.Presentations and/or Discussions
  • Update on the Brazos County Property Assessed Clean Energy Program.

Consider and take action on agenda items:  4 - 27
4.Discussion and approval of a tax rate up to $0.4635 for tax year 2022.
5.Resolution 22-028 levying a tax rate for Brazos County for Tax Year 2022.
6.Ratification of the property tax increase due to the adoption of the budget that will require more revenue from property taxes than in the previous year.
7.Consider and take possible action on a county burn ban. 
8.Resolution 22-029 supporting Proposition B in support of a $10 increase in vehicle registration fees.

Request for the following personnel change with effective date as of October 18, 2022.  This change will increase the Exposition Center's FY 2023 Budget in the amount of $4,425.00.

  • a. Increase Event Coordinator II, Position B0839-1, from Group 22 Step 2 to Group 22 Step 5

Approval of the following Job Description:

  • a. Assistant General Manager (Exposition Center – Administration) 2080 hours (Position Code B0855)
11.Request approval from Constable Pct. 2 for the acceptance of monetary donation in the amount of $650.00 from the City of Wixon Valley.

Approval requested from Constable Pct. 3 for NRA Grant Application Approval.

13.Revision of the Brazos County Cell Phone Policy to prohibit from linking or adding personal accounts to the county cell phones.
14.Approval between the Brazos County Commissary Fund and the Restorative Justice Ministries of the Brazos Valley, Inc. providing chaplain services and volunteer coordination for the inmates of the Brazos County Jail.
15.Approval of the Workers' Compensation Renewal with Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool.
16.Approval of the TAC HEBP Renewal for Plan Year 2023.
17.Approval of Contract #23-067 for Secure Short-Term Detention of Juvenile Offenders with Anderson County.
18.Approval of Contract #23-069 for Secure Short-Term Detention of Juvenile Offenders with Wood County.
19.Approval of Contract #23-070 for Mal-Practice Insurance with USI Insurance.

Approval of the following committee for the evaluation of proposals for RFQ #CIP 23-558 Brazos County Administration Building Feasibility Study:

  • a. Jennifer Salazar
  • b. Trevor Lansdown
  • c. Sgt. Stephen Garon
  • d. Leslie Contreras
  • e. Prarthana Banerji
  • f.  Purchasing (Non-Voting)
  • g. Legal (Non-Voting)
  • h. Traylor (Non-Voting)
21.Consideration and modification for potential scope of work for CIP 23-561 Broadband Consultant.  RFP will be submitted to the court at a future date for approval of permission to advertise.
22.Tax Refund Applications for the following:


  • a. Betty & Harold Swanzy - $163.00
  • b. HUD Novad Management Consulting - $550.00
23.Budget Amendments.
  • a. FY 21/22 Budget Amendments 51.01 - 51.04
  • b. FY 22/23 Budget Amendments 2.01 - 2.10
24.Personnel Change of Status.
  • a. Personnel Action Forms
  • b. Employment & Separations
25.Payment of Claims.

Convene into Executive Session pursuant to the following:

  • a. Texas Government Code §551.074 to discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of the General Manager of Brazos County Fair and Expo.
  • b. Texas Government Code §551.074 to discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of county personnel.
27.Consider and possible action on Executive Session. 
  • Acknowledgement of FY 2022-2023 Budget to Actuals by Fund as of October 12, 2022. 
  • Acknowledgement of FY 2022-2023 Contingency Budget to Actuals by Fund as of October 12, 2022.

Juvenile director’s report on detention population.


Sheriff’s report on inmate population.

31.Announcement of interest items and possible future agenda topics.
32.Call for Citizen input and/or concerns


Public Comment during the Commission Meeting may be for all matters, both on and off the agenda, and be limited to four minutes per person. Persons are invited to submit comments in writing on the agenda items and/or attend and make comment at the Commission meeting. Members of the public are reminded that the Brazos County Commissioners Court is a Constitutional Court, with both judicial and legislative powers, created under Article V, Section 1 and Section 18 of the Texas Constitution. As a Constitutional Court, the Brazos County Commissioners Court also possesses the power to issue a Contempt of Court Citation under Section 81.024 of the Texas Local Government Code. Accordingly, members of the public in attendance at any Regular, Special and/or Emergency meeting of the Court shall conduct themselves with proper respect and decorum in speaking to, and/or addressing the Court; in participating in public discussions before the Court; and in all actions in the presence of the Court. Those members of the public who are inappropriately attired and/or who do not conduct themselves in an orderly and appropriate manner will be ordered to leave the meeting. Refusal to abide by the Court's Order and/or continued disruption of the meeting may result in a Contempt of Court Citation.

It is not the intention of the Brazos County Commissioners Court to provide a public forum for the demeaning of any individual or group. Neither is it the intention of the Court to allow a member (or members) of the public to insult the honesty and/or integrity of the Court, as a body, or any member or members of the Court, or County employees, individually or collectively. Accordingly, profane, insulting or threatening language directed toward the Court and/or any person in the Court's presence and/or racial, ethnic or gender slurs or epithets will not be tolerated. Violation of these rules may result in the following sanctions:

1. cancellation of a speaker's time;
2. removal from the Commissioners Court;
3. a Contempt Citation; and/or
4. such other and/or criminal sanctions as may be authorized
under the Constitution, Statutes and Codes of the State of Texas.

The County Commissioners Court can deliberate or take action only if a matter has been listed on an agenda properly posted prior to the meeting. During the public comment period, speakers may address matters not listed on the published agenda. The Open Meeting Law does not expressly prohibit responses to public comments by the Commissioners Court. However, responses from the County Judge or Commissioners to unlisted public comment topics could become deliberation on a matter without notice to the public. To ensure the public has notice of all matters the Commissioners Court will consider, the County Judge and/or Commissioners may choose not to respond to public comments, except to correct factual inaccuracies, recite existing policy in response to an inquiry or to ask that a matter be listed on a future agenda. See Texas Open Meetings Act Section 551.042.


Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Court meeting shall be to and for the benefit of the Court. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Court and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Court in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of the Court.
The Commissioner's Courtroom of the County Administration Building, 200 South Texas Ave., Suite 106, Bryan, TX 77803 is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made two working days before the meeting. To make arrangements, please call (979) 361-4102.